Alpha Delta Pi's Functions

Mallard Ball We start the school year off right with our annual Mallard Ball. The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi get to bring the date of their choice. The night is spent dancing the night away to a great band in our camoflauge. The night so much fun we will never retire this function.

Parents Weekend This is a great opportunity for our parents to meet our family away from home.

Cockfest Cockfest is so much fun because we get to share with everyone how much we truely love the University of South Carolina.

Fratty Friends Fratty Friends gives us a chance to take out a good friend who is not an ADPi.

Senior Semi-Formal Gives the chance to honor our Senior Deltas who are soon to graduate and leave the Beta Epsilon Chapter behind.

Black Diamond Black Diamond is our national function. It is the best formal all year.
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